Life Member

Tony has 2 programs, one being Tony’s Drive Show on Wednesdays from 4pm to 6pm with hits from the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s, including the traffic report and weather. Tony also has an Italian Program on Sunday mornings from 8am to 10am where he plays popular Italian music.

My media experience began with my 20 years in Television, then having my own business, online Tutor in Small Business Course for Holmesglen TAFE and Real Estate Agent. My love of the Media led me to be Program Manager of 94.1fm 3WBC. My program “The Forum” on Thursdays 2pm to 4pm includes interviews with Members […]

Michael has been around the folk and country music scene for over 50 years wearing many hats including running clubs, festivals, presenting radio shows and actively volunteering . He is also Michael the Balloonologist, a Children’s entertainer.

Peter Cassidy – Life Member Committee of Management – Sponsorship Coordinator Since 1995 Peter has produced and presented the Easy Listening Saturday Afternoon Program (one of the longest running, continuous live-to-air programs on this station and possibly the wider community). For the past 15 years he has also produced and presented the Monday, now Tuesday […]

I am an eclectic presenter of Music and Comedy on 3WBC since 1996 and a life member. Prior to that, I was on 3AW, 3CR and 3RRR and I can play several musical instruments (badly) and I love all forms of music. My current shows are both on Thursdays: 7am to 10am – Breakfast in […]

Paul is found on several programs filling in, and over the last 20 years at 3WBC has served 14 years on the Committee of Management including 3 years as station President. Paul has hosted several programs over the years including The Neutral Corner (14 years), Australian Made (8 years), Friday Breakfast and several others. Paul […]

Phil has been involved in community radio in some capacity for almost 30 years.    

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